Do it right, for you.


Signing up for a course like this— or any course about business— is an exciting step toward building your dream career. It’s important to remember that as you continue to grow, you’ll need to continue to learn. No one course is going to set you up for all eventualities of your business. So keep learning, keep asking questions, keep growing.

In this course, we’re going to focus on how to build your business. We’re going to walk through the processes and protocols that I have used over the past 15 years to grow my business to the place where it is now. More than my successful choices, this class is informed by my failures. Things I’ve tried. Things I’ve watched others try. Things that set businesses up for failure, burn-out, and debt.

Like all advice, as I walk through each of the elements of this curriculum, it’s important that you run everything past your own convictions and morals. If an approach doesn’t seem authentic to you, take from it what is helpful, leave what is not. Use it to spark a brainstorm to the good solution for you. Being inauthentic in your approach to work, sales, and administration will have a profound impact on the longevity of your career.

And remember, your business will continue to evolve and change as you evolve and change. The process you use for invoicing this week might be laughable in two years. Be open to trying things, be open to failing, and crave the opportunity to learn from that “failure.” That will put you and your business in the healthiest place.

Thanks for including me in part of your journey!


As you make your way through this course, it's purposefully dense. As I've written these pieces, I walked back and forth between feeling like the course was "long enough" to be worth it, but concise enough to be efficient and respectful of your time.

With that being the case, I encourage you to not just blaze through this course. Pause after each module to reflect. Write things down on paper or take notes electronically. Absorbing this will take effort. If you've paid for the course, take the time to do it right.

You'll be happy that you did.

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